On Humour (Another little magazine)

“My house is repulsive. If you saw it, you wouldn’t believe that any well-minded human being could inhabit a place so vile. The floors are lined with rotting garbage. Most of the windows are either smashed or covered in grafitti. There’s no heating or hot water. The whole place smells like a combination of wet cigarettes and dries blood. There’s a mushroom growing out of the fucking toilet. It’s wildly depressing.”

Karley Sciortino, from “Slaves”, in Apartamento

A few weeks ago a famous writer started a book presentation stating that, like everybody else, he hated architects. I perfectly see his point in this little quote.     I want my squalor and no one, but no one, is going to tell me how to live.

That is also why eye-catching everyday-life-interiors-magazine Apartamento is such a wonderful anti-wallpaper statement – although it will tend to be as “trendy” with young people as the other one was during its heyday.


It’s another point of view. And, at least, humorous enough to start its 3rd issue with a piece like Enrique Giner de Los Rios’ “The Joke”. Forget marxism, forget minimalist chic, welcome the everyday life stories of the new fucked-up-and enjoying-it generation.

Coming from two cities overspammed by design, long after the yet-stylish Nest has disappeared, and even if it features one interview with three design gurus, Apartamento is what you can call the last resort manifesto for the personal design-free zone.

4 responses to “On Humour (Another little magazine)

  1. ah pedro. i didn’t realise this was your blog! how have u been???

  2. Pingback: Other Architectural F(r)ictions « shrapnel contemporary

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